/* DISCLAIMER: Some browsers' security settings might not allow your page to execute this script. For example, using WordPress on Safari, when I PREVIEW a draft of the page that gets this script, I get an error: The XSS Auditor refused to execute a script in '[wordpress preview url]' because its source code was found within the request. However, that problem stopped after I published the page and then viewed it. If you receive an error like the one above, please use another browser or consult your server's security settings. You may need to disable 'X-XSS-Protection' or 'Content-Security-Policy' in the header. Params: get_jobs_onload (true) if not true, only display jobs after user clicks find show_heading (true) if not true, hide the text at the top "Job Openings" and # of jobs found show_filters (true) if not true, only show jobs (no filter inputs) filter_keywords (true) if not true, hide keywords input filter_zip (true) if not true, hide zip code and radius inputs show_job_location (true) if not true, hide location from job display show_job_snippet (true) if not true, hide snippet from job display show_adv_btn (false) if not true, hide Advanced Search button show_company_name (false) if not true, hide company name from job title line Advanced Params: refid (null) Referrer id is used to track who referred the visitor to this link. Please contact rstechsupport@engage2excel.com for assistance. sid (null) Source id is used to track which site this visitor came from. Please contact rstechsupport@engage2excel.com for assistance. CSS: no custom css--look for "rm_*" id and class selectors to apply style */ jQuery(function(){ var html = ""; html = "

Job Openings

"; html += "
"; html += ""; html += ""; html += ""; html += ""; html += ""; html += "
"; html += "
"; html += ""; html += "
"; jQuery('#rm_job_portal').html(html); rmGetJobs(jQuery('#rm_filters :input').serialize()); jQuery('#rm_submit').click(function(){ rmGetJobs(jQuery('#rm_filters :input').serialize()); }); }); var rmURL = '//www.jobinfo.com/dtoolbox_extras/jobs.php?return_kind=jsonp&jsonp=window.rmCallback&'; function rmGetJobs(params) { jQuery('#rm_jobs').html(''); jQuery('#rm_jobs_header').html(''); jQuery('#rm_loading').show(); var url = rmURL + params; jQuery.getScript(url, function(){ jQuery('#rm_loading').hide(); }); } function rmCallback(result) { var jqJobs = jQuery('#rm_jobs').html(''); var jobs = result.items; if(jobs.length > 0) { var result_display = result.num_found+' job'+(result.num_found==1 ? '' : 's')+' found.'; if(result.num_returned < result.num_found) { result_display += ' '+result.num_returned+' displayed below.'; } jQuery('#rm_jobs_header').html(result_display); for(i in jobs) { var jobHTML = '
'; jobHTML += '

'; jobHTML += jobs[i].title; jobHTML += '

'; if(jobs[i].location!=null) { jobHTML += '


'; } if(jobs[i].opportunity_snapshot!=null) { jobHTML += '


'; } jobHTML += 'Learn More'; jobHTML += '
'; jobHTML += '
'; jqJobs.append(jobHTML); } } else { jQuery('#rm_jobs_header').html('No jobs found matching filter criteria.'); } }